When applying for a visa, it is important to disclose anything relevant to your character. This may even be something as minor as a drink driving charge, no matter how long ago it occurred. Failing to do so may jeopardise the entire application and even result in a ban on lodging further applications.
Not only is it important to be candid and forthright, you must be meticulous and accurate. An application will often be flagged for small mistakes, dragging the process out. Any inaccuracy or inconsistency could delay the process and potentially risk a denial.
The Immigration department cross-checks all information given, even going so far as to check the applicant’s Facebook. In the past, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal have resorted to refusing visa applications based off the material produced by the applicant on his/her Facebook account.
Here at The Migration Place, we have seen many clients approach us after having their visa refused due to inadvertent Facebook posts that were inconsistent with the information they had provided on their application.
The best way to avoid these issues is to engage an experienced migration solicitor to process your application for you. Avoiding direct contact with the department means you will have time to consider and cross-reference your answers (with our help) to ensure everything is consistent with any evidence already provided.
As a bonus, professionally prepared applications usually get processed more quickly than DIY applications.
The refusal rate is climbing, and the rules are becoming increasingly strict. If you have an interest in applying for a visa, or have received notification of a refusal, seek legal advice as soon as possible. Contact one of our friendly staff members on (07) 3229 4025 or email mail@themigrationplace.com.