Australia’s working holiday visa is the most popular visa in the World! - Migration Place

Demand for Australia’s working holiday visa is higher than for any other visa of this kind in the world, with 220,000 visas granted over the last year.

Demand for Australian working holiday visas has doubled in size since 2009, and is now higher than the comparable programs in Canada, the United Kingdom and New Zealand combined.

Working holiday visa holders  are generally eligible to come to Australia for a period of up to 12 months, during which they can undertake study and casual work.

Visa holders may be eligible to take the option of a second year in Australia in specific circumstances – such as when a working holiday visa holder carries out a certain type of work in designated regional locations for at least three months.

Uruguay, Mexico, Greece and Indonesia, have recently looked to offer reciprocal working holiday and work and holiday visas with Australia.

Whether you’re thinking about coming to Australia for the first time as a working holiday maker or are keen to extend your stay in a different visa subclass, please contact The Migration Place for advice on how to set up a long term solution to stay in Australia.