Fast visa processing - Migration Place

We are always proud when we secure visas – and a new future – for our migration  clients, but especially when they are processed quickly!

CV19 has disrupted all industries, but especiailly migration – the Department is getting flooded with people desperate to retrun to Australia, whter they be foreign spouses trapped overseas, or family memebers who did not get back in time last year.

Just today, our clients were granted their partner visa after lodging it only 3 months ago, noting the official Department processing time is 18-21 months, and we had to navigate two prior visa refusals and explain why some historical police matters did not reflect on character.

We pride ourselves on being comprehensive in all material – this has been a focus of the Firm since 2002 when we adopted the view that a comprehensive and professionally prepared application will be processed quicker and with less risk.

This has consistently proven to be correct, and our team comprises a number of very experienced migration lawyers.

The importance of this is even greater with the CV19 focus on closing borders….please call us if you need a hand on any visa issue.